Fenwick Island Town Officials Urge Neighbors for Feedback in Favor of Proposed Dredging Project
Posted by Leslie Kopp & Christi Arndt on Wednesday, October 18th, 2023 at 9:00am
Credit to Kirstyn Clark, WBOC
With just two weeks left for residents to make comment, officials in the Town of Fenwick Island are asking for a final wave of support to thrust the proposed dredging plans into existence. The dredging will take place in the Northern and Southern channels of the Little Assawoman Bay.
Through the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), Fenwick Isle Town officials have filed for several permits. After filing for said permits, each branch had requested comments and criticism from residents in the community. The town is now currently in the third and endmost Round of Public Notifications related to DNREC. It supports the town's Subaqueous Permit and Water Quality Certification request:
Subaqueous Permit and Water Quality Certification Request
Town of Fenwick Island – proposes to hydraulically dredge approximately 19,000 cubic yards of material in the north and south channels of the Little Assawoman Bay in Sussex County, Delaware to a depth of -4 feet mean low water with a 1-foot allowable over-dredge. The combined channel length would be approximately 4,000 linear feet and the combined surface area would be approximately 4.6 acres. Dredged material would be transported via pipeline to an upland placement area (533-20.00-20.00) west of the Bay. Additionally, the applicant requests for a Section §401 Water Quality Certification. Approval is being requested to conduct dredging in the north and south channels of the Little Assawoman Bay.
Neighbors like June Blocklin, say reaching out to DNREC is imperative after watching several boats get stuck in the mud-filled channels. "I did go to the town meeting on dredging," says Blocklin. "It is one of the top three issues of the town, not just for those of us on the bay. So, I will do that and I'll urge my neighbors to as well."
Stephen Corrow agrees. "I would definitely do it," says Corrow. "Dredge it and make highways out there, so people don't get stuck."
The town anticipates to have approval for the permits by November or December of this year. A rough estimate of the cost for this project is about $1 million, funded mostly by state grants.
DNREC will review all communications received from the public related to this project. It is essential that as many folks as possible send an email expressing their support for this important project. The point of contact for these DNREC public comments is Mr. Matt Jones and the Public Notification comment email address
The public comment period is open but will end on October 31st, and additional information can be found here.
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