June, 2023 RSS Icon
Found 6 entries for June, 2023.


Bryan Scar

We hope that you have an opportunity to enjoy the festivities planned to celebrate America the Beautiful!  The town of Bethany Beach will host a parade through downtown at 12pm on July 4th and a concert on the Bandstand at 7:30pm. Fireworks have been postponed to September 3rd due to the beach replenishment project, but our neighbors in Rehoboth Beach and Ocean City will have fireworks. The town of Rehoboth Beach will have fireworks on Sunday, July 2nd at approximately 9:30pm.  The town of Ocean City, Maryland has both uptown (Northside Park at 125th Street) and downtown (Boardwalk and Caroline St) fireworks at approximately 9:30pm on Tuesday, July 4th.  

If you are vacationing in the area this summer and wish to get a feel for the

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The summer season is upon us and we have enjoyed seeing so many of you enjoying the beach over the last few weeks! During the month of May, 4 properties went under contract in the community of Bayside. This compares to 6 at the same time last year and 7 in May of 2021. Extremely low inventory has kept values stabilized.  If you have any questions about the market in general or a pecific property, please call our Bayside experts:
Kiki Hargrove (302) 569-2959    Wayne Lyons (302) 858-7347

Data was derived from the Sussex County MLS.  Includes reidential property (not new construction) sales in Bayside.  May not reflect all activity in the marketplace.

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The summer season is upon us and we have enjoyed seeing so many of you enjoying the beach over the last few weeks! During the month of May, 4 properties went under contract in Sea Colony. This compares to 7 at the same time last year and 12 in May of 2021. Extremely low inventory has kept values stabilized.  If you have any questions about the market in general or a specific property, please give us a call.
Gail Phelan (302) 233-4909      Chris housman (302) 853-0192

Data was derived from the Sussex County MLS.  Includes residential properties sold in Sea Colony.  May not reflect all activity in the marketplace.

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The summer season is upon us and we have enjoyed seeing so many of you enjoying the beach over the last few weeks! During the month of May, 20 properties went under contract in the Bethany-Fenwick area. This compares to 21 at the same time last year and 41 in May of 2021. Extremely low inventory has kept values stabilized.  If you have any questions about the market in general or a specific property, please give us a call. 

Data was derived from the Sussex County MLS.  Includes residential properties sold in zip codes 19930 and 19944.  May not reflect all activity in the marketplace.

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The Natural Gas Conversion in the amenity-rich community of The Bear Trap Dunes is underway and moving swiftly towards final completion.   Powered by Chesapeake Utilities, section 5 of the golf community will be finalized shortly, while a total of 475 homes have already been successfully converted to Natural Gas.  Section 6, the next and last phase, is set to begin next Monday, June 19th.  The Bear Trap Dunes natural gas conversion should be fully completed by the middle of summer.

According to representatives of Chesapeake, "Beebe Healthcare's South Coastal Emergency Department and Cancer Center have had natural gas service since 2019," before the facility have even opened.  Thanks to Beebe and state funding, Chesapeake was able to expand to the

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Bethany Beach Farmers' Market Sunday Fun

We are happy to announce that the Bethany Beach Farmers' Market is officially open!  Whether you're looking for a fun activity before the beach, or stocking up on some farm-to-table goods for the week, the Bethany Beach Farmers' Market will not disappoint.  The crew at BBFM has confirmed a count of 13 vendors this year, ranging from oysters and clams, to peaches and blueberries, to soaps and shea butter.  Aside from the plethora of inventory, the cheerful and knowledgeable growers are what make these summer Sundays in Bethany Beach so special.

Located on the corner of Garfield Pkwy and Pennsylvania Ave in Bethany Beach
Sundays 8am-12pm

Bethany Beach Farmers' Market Website

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